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Yuh Tek Mi Fi Journey Jackass

A "Journey Jackass" this is not! Winter scene in Quebec City Yuh tek mi fi journey jackass. It's been a while!  ...

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wah gaan bad a maaning caan cum gud a evelin

I've had this one in mind for quite sometime now so here we go!

Wah gaan bad a maaning caan cum gud a Evelin:  This is the best example I could find from my picture archives!

This is what I had in mind when I
asked a handyman to build a trellis
for my grape bush

This is what he built!  Had to
dismantle it as it couldn't be
salvaged - so far from desired outcome
Translation:  What has gone bad in the morning cannot become good in the evening

What does this mean?  Some situations are just not salvageable!  There are times when a bad start can be turned around but other times no!  Often reached for in a discussion or "post mortem" on a relationship that cannot be reconciled, a mother or trusted friend, in their attempt to comfort the wounded would say something like this:

"Nuh worry yuh self missis, wah gaan bad a maaning caan cum gud a Evelin."  "Nuh mine, yuh wi get ova it."
Hope all you aspiring Jamaicans "Jafakans" will enjoy this!
Wednesday May 25, 2016