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Yuh Tek Mi Fi Journey Jackass

A "Journey Jackass" this is not! Winter scene in Quebec City Yuh tek mi fi journey jackass. It's been a while!  ...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cock Mout Kill Cock

"Cock mout kill Cock".

This is the Killdeer - I call her the Drama Queen

Translation:  Cock mouth kills the Cock

What does this mean?  Well, the Cock wouldn't be Sunday dinner if it could keep it's mouth shut!  How about that!  Ever having an exchange of words with someone, you're finished and they just keep talking, inadvertently or unconsciously revealing information that works against them?  That's what this mean.

This happened to me recently.  I was locked into a "debate" with someone, I realized long ago that this person never admit an error or know when to stop so I said, we are not going to agree on this, and in the end it is pointless as there is nothing to gain by continuing so let's just stop and agree to disagree.  The person in question continued by email after agreeing to stop (which is the worst because now their communication is in writing) and that
 could be damaging against them.  At that point I recalled this proverb that someone used in a facebook discussion thread!

Know "when to say when", do not let the need to be right or to show how much you know end up costing you your reputation or the respect of your loved ones, peers or boss.

Sunday april 27, 2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fire deh a Muss Muss Tail Im Tink A Kool Breeze

"Fire deh a muss muss tail im tink a kool breeze"!

Muss Muss is the Jamaican patois name for mice!  I don't know how my Country Folk of old came up with these but I get a good kick out if it.  Seriously, can you imagine a whole bunch of people thrown together speaking different languages and none of them understand the other?  Must have been a whole lot of pointing going on, no wonder us Jamaicans love to point finger so much!

Translation:  Fire on the "muss muss" tail he think it's cool breeze.

What does this mean?  My mother used to use this often when we as children, especially when we got to tween and teenage and became stubborn and mouthy.  It means that when you think you are having fun or skylarking a whooping awaits!

I say it now when someone gloats, or think they have an advantage over me and I can see around the corner and know what awaits them!  That speaks to the power of insight and foresight which is something that most young people lack.  Also someone like a new comer (job or country)  think they know it all, yet because of knowledge and experience you can see when they are being naïve and short sighted. 

Beware and be aware!

April 18, 2014


Friday, April 11, 2014

Sumtime Yu Haffi Tan Pon Crucked Fi Cut Strait

"Sumtime yu haffi tan pon crucked fi cut strait."

Translation:  Some times you have to stay on the crooked to cut straight.

What does this mean?  You have a goal and what you are currently doing is sustaining you but it's not a direct route to that goal.  In order to encourage you to stay on the path and keep trying, the old folks would say something like this "nuh worry missis, sumtimes yu haffi tan pon crucked fi cut strait".

You want this ..............................                                             But can only afford this!

Enjoy the burger while you work your way up to lobster!
April 11, 2014                   

Saturday, April 5, 2014

When Yu Put Yu Han Inna Lian Mout Yu Tek Time Draw It Out

"When u put yu han inna lian mout yu tek time draw it out."

Translation:  When you put or place your hand in the mouth of a lion,  take your time to draw or pull it out.

What does this mean?  This is truly words of wisdom that I have called upon frequently over my lifetime, and as recently as this past week.  If you find yourself with problematic situation that is potentially damaging, dangerous or otherwise unpleasant, use wisdom to extricate yourself from the situation or solve the problem.  Do not use tactics or language that will escalate the situation. In extreme cases were folks insist on having "their rights" you could be right but dead! What is the use being DEAD right!  And what's the use of winning when it leaves a very bitter taste in your mouth or cost you time and money, especially when both are in short supply?  There is another popular saying that sometimes you win the battle but you lose the war or vice-versa.  What this is saying is that sometimes when you win you actually lose!

 Use this  very powerful proverb when asked for advice in handling problematic situations with difficult people, it will shine a new light or give new perspective.  The "grandmothers" who came up with this were very wise in deed.  In spiritual terms when we step back, remain calm and level headed amazing things happen.

See how you can apply this gem this coming week, school, work or play.

April 5, 2014