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Yuh Tek Mi Fi Journey Jackass

A "Journey Jackass" this is not! Winter scene in Quebec City Yuh tek mi fi journey jackass. It's been a while!  ...

Saturday, October 25, 2014

One One Coco Full Baskit

Cant believe I didn't do this one yet!  And, I cant believe I haven't done a post since June- oh joy - Summer! Saw a video of no other than Miss Louise Bennett this morning and guess what, even way back then, she did what I have been doing, tell the proverb and then give an explanation of the meaning and a story to illustrate and now I am so inspired!

One one coco full baskit.  

Edoes - a root vegitable

Translation: One by one coco  (edoes) will full the basket.

What does this mean:  A little effort diligently applied will yield bit results over time.  This proverb is most often used in conversation around savings or accumulation.  As a Investment Fund Advisor, when reviewing an account of a Jamaican expat who started out by putting away a small amount on a regular basis, I am often taken of guard when they blurt out  something like "good, I am glad I started, after all one one coco full baskit".

The Edoe (Coco to Jamaicans) Plant

Now a personal message to the young, you do not have to win the lottery or make "big" money in order to have money.  Just get in the habit of putting away a portion of your earnings on a regular basis, leave it to grow and over time you will be pleasantly surprised.

Happy gathering,

October 25, 2014
