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Yuh Tek Mi Fi Journey Jackass

A "Journey Jackass" this is not! Winter scene in Quebec City Yuh tek mi fi journey jackass. It's been a while!  ...

Thursday, October 24, 2013


The Most Gorgeous African Violet!

FYI, there is no correct spelling for patois, I try to spell it so the sound is the same as spoken!

"Sorry fi maaga dawg, maaga dawg tun rown bite you".

Translation:  Feel sorry for a meagre dog, that dog could turn around and bite you.

What does this mean:  If you feel sorry for someone in trouble and help them out, that same person can turn on you!  Be careful when helping others so there is no expectation of thankfulness, or grattitude.  Also, there can be no negative reprecussion on your part for helping. 

Sometimes you may help dig someone out of a ditch, figuratively, and once they get going they may surpass you in position, education, or financially.  This same person may snob you, and act as if they didnt get any help along the way.  That is why we are admonished to give without the expectation of receiving a reward otherwise these situations can be very hurtful.

Just a word of encouragement - never, ever allow a situation as explained above to stop you from offering help.  If you do, you will allow other people to rob you of your joy and blessings.

October 24, 2013

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